
Membership charges 2024


Full £419.00
Family £628.50
Junior £209.50
Cadet £139.67
Daily Flying £12.20
Associate per year £32.00
Trailer fee per year £215.00

Member launch fees

Winch £10.60
Aerotow 2000ft £28.00

Aircraft per hour

Two seaters £28.80 (48p/min)
Single seaters £25.20 (42p/min)
Venture motorglider £72.00 per hour
Sheet of all club charges

Juniors and Cadets

Winch launches and soaring are at 75% of the full rate
Instructional aerotow launches are 75% of the full rate

We are a Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC)

If our standard charges present a problem to people on low income, the Club Committee will consider applications for assistance from club members or potential members